Order a new course template

You can get a new course template by ordering it directly through the form available in DigiCampus Moodle at the address https://digicampus.fi/course/request.php OR you can also find the order form by following the instructions below. Remember to select a sub-category for your course!

Teachers at the University of Helsinki use their own form for course orders, which can be found at https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/117994/lomake.html.


  • Pick one of the main categories (Common Courses / Open Courses/MOOC / Your Institution's Courses)

  • Pick a sub-category for your course (there might be more than one sub-category level)
  • Click on "More" (located on the right side beneath the sub-category name) and click on "Order a new course (for teachers)"

  • Fill in the form carefully and once you are done click the "Order a new course (for teachers)" at the bottom of the page to send in the order. An administrator will handle your request and you will receive an email once the course has been created.   

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